I n t e r n a t i o n a l J o u r n a l o f S u r g e r y

Current Issue

International Journal of Surgery

International Journal of Surgery

Current Issue

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Current Issue Volume 11, Issue 1

Research Article Open Access

Objectives: Management of bladder perforation during TURBT and to evaluate the need for open exploration? Materials and Methods: A retrospective study design was done and 1550 patients underwent TURBT for

Research Article Open Access

Aim: To study the efficacy of autologous blood injections in treatment of chronic recurrent TMJ dislocation based on the severity of the condition. Method and Material: Total 26 patients with

Case Report Open Access

Case Report Open Access

Background: To our knowledge, no authors have published the implant of a three-component device under local anesthesia, until now. The aim of this paper is to report this particular case


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    Manuscripts number will be provided to the corresponding author or the email id that is provided within 72 hours for the respective submitted manuscript.

    • 14 day review process with international peer-review standards
    • Timeline of processing from Submission to Publication is 30 days
    • Manuscript will be published within 7 days of acceptance

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    No, article processing charges will not be applicable for articles rejected by the editorial office.